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Dee-lightful new 'bearbie' ...

The Tag Along Teddies family was expanded again today, with the addition of Dee Dee to the range of shabby chic bears that are up for adoption to spread their teddy hugs around. Here she is ...

Isn't she 'Dee-lightful'!! Tee! Hee! Hee! We should all be able to use bad puns from time to time!! You may recognise the pretty dusty pink floral fabric that Dee Dee is made from - it's one of the two pieces I showed earlier in the week that I found at Quilters Angel on the way home from our 'husband brownie-points building' weekend.

Alas!! Dee Dee won't be staying with us very long, as she has already been adopted by my friend Miss Mary from Fresh Hope Patterns!! Dee Dee is going to be a beautiful birthday surprise for Mary's grand-daughter Gracie, who apparently LOOOOOOOOOVES! Bears! Aaaah! A girl of exquisite taste after my own heart! Tee! Hee! Hee! So, with the ink on Dee Dee's adoption papers 'bearly' dry (yes, each of these shabby chic cuties comes with their own certificate of adoption!)

Mary will be popping in tomorrow to have a cuppa and whisk this dainty little dancer away. Sigh! I feel like a mother who's chicks are flying the nest - although, I think teddy bears are MUCH easier to cope with than children! Tee! Hee! Hee! And for those of you eagle-eye, would-be-detectives out there who've noticed the date on the adoption certificate isn't today's date, that's because Saturday is Gracie's birthday, so, Saturday's date goes on the certificate. I wasn't just having a 'moment' - although that happens frequently!!!

And, sad to say, that's about all I've really achieved this week (although I DID vacuum the house today, so that should count!!). The reason? It's been overcast and VERY cool here in Toowoomba most of this week - perfect weather for ... curling up with a book - or two, or three, or ....!!! Yes, I'm an addicted bookworm!! Hello, my name is Kris and I'm a bibliophile! Ooooh! That doesn't sound good, but I'm assured this just means "book lover". I've had my nose in a trilogy by one of my fave authors, Nora Roberts.

This is the Irish Trilogy. Oddly enough, it's called that because the stories are set in Ireland!! They are all stand-alone stories, each about one of three siblings, but all link into a bigger story about star-crossed lovers. They're romance stories with a little faerie magic thrown in - how could you have stories set in Ireland that DIDN'T have a bit of faerie magic sprinkled through them! If you're looking for a good read with some humour, quirky characters, romance and faerie magic, make sure you check these books out! I really enjoy Nora Roberts' writing style and have lots of her books that I frequently re-read (much to my mother's bemusement, as she reads a book once and that's it!!) - some people have 'comfort food', I have 'comfort books'. They have LOTS fewer calories! Tee! Hee! Hee!

And now I'm off to enjoy a dinner that's been cooked for me by my beloved Geek Boy - nothing fancy, but I didn't have to make it, so it will be a banquet! Tee! Hee! Hee! Oh! Almost forgot! I've got a special friend coming to town to play this weekend ... but I'm not going to tell you who it is yet ... I'll keep you in suspense and report back! Tee! Hee! Hee! Have a good night and enjoy curling up in the cooler weather. Til next time, Bear Hugs!


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