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Basic Expert: The Alchemist's Keep

The Ruined Keep that looks over Wartwood was once home to an Alchemist who was said to have created gold from lead but then he perished from a curse and his keep crumbled into a ruin.

Now, centuries on, a strange sickness spread by handling gold has been traced back to the ruined keep.
1-6 The Keep

1- The approach is steep up a path to the doors of the keep. Anyone checking each side of the keep will find rubble from the upper floors blocks access beyond.
The doors, ancient in their timbers, can be bashed down with an Axe or Warhammer for 30hp at AC 5.
Anyone Loitering on the steps- a small rock falls from the upper wall striking for 3d6.

2- The hall is supported by stone columns ten feet high. There is a metal guardian golem (stats as robber fly with -2AC). It attacks anyone brushing dust off the magic circle at the far end of the hall. The magic circle functions as a dimension door.

3- This level is feast hall. It is guarded by four metal guardian golems (stats as robber flies with -2AC) who will prepare a meal if commanded by the lord of the keep.

4- this level is the chapel. At the end furthest from the magic circle a stained glass Icon depicting a knight in gleaming armour and sword occupies the wall. This is the chapel Immortal Saint Kull. Clerics praying to the Icon of Saint Kull may recover hitpoints. Anyone disrespecting the

5- This is the library. Long ago the upper floor and ceiling collapsed during a Dragon Attack and now stone columns occupy the floor. Beneath the rubble are a dozen gems and a dagger+1 that can be searched for over an hour. Every turn anyone in this area is attacked by a metal guardian golem (as robber fly with -2AC) each turn.

6- this is the nest for metal guardian golems (robber flies) that attack intruders in the ruins of the library. It was once the residence of the Alchemist and in the nest of the flies is a gold foil scroll with the secret of transmuting mercury to gold.

7-10 the alchemist's laboratory.

7- In this area a table covered in alchemy books (500gp worth). It is iluminated by candles.

8- here is a room with a bath used to wash of radiation. There are a number of yellow leather suits with glass visors. These are radiation suits providing +4 to saving throws vs deathrays unless damaged.

9-  this is filled with two hundred glass vials of mercury in racks. There is a blue glow from a stairs leading down to area 10. There is a metal guardian golem (as robber fly with -2AC) which attacks intruders.

10- The reactor bath. This chamber contains strange metal rods in a water bath. There is a blue glow eminating from it. This is a nuclear reactor. Placing mercury in a bowl, in this bath will convert the mercury to a radioactive gold. Entering this chamber without a radiation suit causes radiation poisoning that can only be removed by a wish. Anyone exposed must save vs death-ray once a round or loose 1hp. There is a thousand gold pieces worth of radioactive gold in the reactor bath. The Alchemist is on this level retrieving a dozen glass vials filled with radioactive gold.

The Alchemist has been making gold using this process. And flooding the market with radioactive gold.

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