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A Little Stitching and More

I am struggling with believing it is already November and that Thanksgiving is right around the corner. I am quite sure the person who decided to make the illustration of a  clock with wings way back when was over 50. I know it is traveling much faster these days.

I am starting to plan my Thanksgiving. I added a few things to my shopping list this week to take to the farmhouse this weekend. I have to be very organized to pull off a meal like that away from home.

It is also time to Christmas shop too. When my kids were younger they were much easier to shop for. Now, they just want big ticket items and Hubby is still a person who wants them to open lots of things. I am trying to get my mind wrapped around that as well.

I worked real hard this week on my schedule. I am working on using those small chunks of time. I put together a list of cleaning tasks that I can tackle when I have small amounts of time between seeing about others in my family. It has worked this week...now, can I get it going on a long term basis.

Mama is still puny. Better, but puny. I took her to Target yesterday but had to get her home right away. She was spent. She didn't eat much last night either. She can't afford to not eat.

I have stitched a bit this week. I pulled out my Christmas cardinals this week. I couldn't finish it for last Christmas and had just put it back. I was worried I wouldn't be motivated to finish it, but I actually tackled a good bit of this week.

I still have a ways to go. Border and lots of beading.

I am still working on the dogs for my son. I got the duck started this week.

I loved this picture of Lemony and Gus that I was able to capture on the driveway. I had been doing laundry and had the door open. I wanted to get closer, but I was afraid Gus would move.

Doing just what my big sister does. ---Gus

Have a great weekend,

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